grassland produces individual letterings, company logos and lamps for business premises, for trade fairs or for private living areas. As wall design, green wall, vertical green or as a wall garden.
vertical greenery, vertical wall greening, green interior Planted wall, Vertical garden, Wall planting
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Logos and wall design elements made out of grass

grassland makes custom logos and design elements from genuine dried grass for extraordinary wall design and is the only company in the world using this unique process.

100% grass – maintenance free odor free

Grass makes your brand stand out in a crowd. As corporate branding, spatial communication or in a campaign.

Veggie Restaurant Logo aus Gras

Your custom logo in grass. Any size, any shape. More …

Grünes Gras Logo zur Wand Beschriftung

Say it in green: Slogans in grass lettering. More …

We bring your ideas to life. More …

Hanging Grass lamp shade

Green your office or trade fair stand. More …

Wandbegrünung mit Gras Schrift als Raumbegrünung

Eye-catching logos and lettering

We grow hundreds of thousands of grass seeds just for you and transform your logo into a distinctive, meticulously crafted grass design element – in any quantity, from a single item to serial production.


Objects made from this unique natural material create a visual accent that delights the senses in business premises, retail and brand spaces, events and trade fairs.


The grass is dried and tinted green. The drying process preserves the grass and it does not need any further care. The grass is dried, preserved and 100% maintenance-free. It retains its shape and color for a very long time.


Would you like to have your logo, lettering or picture created in grass?


+49 (0)221 469 90 90

Let it grow
Schriftzug "grün" aus Gras

Grass manufacture

We specialize in logos and objects made of durable grass and have more than 25 years of experience with this versatile natural material.


We make every grass object by hand and to order – to ensure the highest precision and quality. From individual letters that are 10 cm to several meters high, the sky’s the limit.


All of our grass objects, regardless of quantity are made in Germany and patent protected.


grassland was founded in 2006.




Leostr. 25 a

50823 Köln


+49 (0)221 469 90 90


Contact person:

Bernd Oette